Hi, my name is Mikey and I am a grateful discovering addict. I am 48 years old,
and was born to a mom with mental health issues and I never met my father.
The reason I touch on these facts is to explain my insatiable desire to fill the
hole in my soul with anything outside of myself. When I tried my first drug, I
finally felt filled in and accepted by my peers. This began a long and torrid affair
with bad behaviour and drug abuse.
Where I am at today seems like eons have passed since surrendering my life to
Discovery House. I paid for the space in the house with tremendous angst, not
only for me but for those who love me. This truly is a family disease. My loved
ones have gotten sick with worry and stress every time I would relapse into
addiction. Today, my friends and family can rest easy knowing I am in a safe
This is truly a house of miracles! I have my integrity back. I have hope in
knowing that I am getting sustainable, long-term recovery through the bonding
of brothers, AA/NA, 12-step work, and counselling. I have been afforded the
ability to finally deal with the PTSD that has impacted my entire life. I am alive
and full of gratitude for every single aspect of this house and program. This
place has saved me from a life of suffering, misery, and dependence on
addiction. When I say I am a grateful discovering addict, I say that because I
don’t want to recover anything I have ever had. Today, I am set free from
drugs, and I am trudging the road to a happy destiny.
Mikey - 89 days in the house