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News and Stories from Discovery House

Voices of Discovery, Aron - 283 Days

Discovery House

I was too busy with my own life getting drunk or/and high to see my world burning down

around me. That my life turned into monotony, an everyday endless cycle that left a bitter

taste of what I should be experiencing. From running away from the traumas from my teen

years while backpacking as far as I could, while ruining my reputation from city to city, I’ve

been a perpetual mess. Having left Penticton to Yellowknife back to Penticton then to

Midway from there to Mission then to Winnipeg back to Yellowknife back to Winnipeg back

to Penticton. All over the span of 15 years. In and out of homelessness, struggling to find

food more than I like to admit, I wanted freedom from my plaguing thoughts during that

time, anything to get out of myself so I didn’t have to deal with my thoughts, they became

a mentalistic scourge upon my psyche. I turned to alcohol and drugs cause they offered

freedom, but I now know them as band-aids for bullet wounds. The emotional scars and

the ones physical I’ve left in myself and others trying to escape my reality can’t be undone.

But they can be reformed Into the knowledge of the things I never wanna do again. This

program has taught me to change in every aspect that no longer serves me cause thinking I

couldn’t was letting it go. That this is the time to fulfill a promise to myself on how to

become a paramount version of myself. Because I have the power to create, I have the

power to feel, and I have the power to express those feelings culminating into happiness

through all types of writing, reading, art, cooking, socializing, teaching others and

remaining teachable! There's so much more, but I fight for all these reasons, because my list of failures and mistakes, I'm never gonna be able to outrun them, that's how I grow and not become a shitty person, like what I was turning into before coming here! If I wanna create a reality that falls in alignment with myself that I’m happier and excited to wake up then I have to start doing the inner work cause my external reality is a direct reflection of my internal state of consciousness… yup it is all projection… everything! I create my own reality 100% of the time! This is what the program has taught me. Responsibility for who I am, no one and nothing else can deal with my thoughts and emotions but me. Not alcohol nor drugs.

Aron - 283 days in the house



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