A little over a year ago I came into Discovery House a broken and defeated Man due to
suffering a stroke from trying to detox and come off of drugs on my own. I was hopeless
with the last bit of strength I had and the help of my mother, I called the one place that
tried to help save my life once before. Relapse is a part of my story, with multiple
attempts at many different treatment centres. The one place that stuck with me over the
years of addiction was the Discovery House. As hard as it was to make that phone call I
knew I probably wouldn’t make it more than a few months if I didn’t.
Arriving at the house I could barely walk, talk, read or write. The stroke set me back to
a helpless little boy scared looking for my place in the world. After a long hard first
month of seizures and withdrawal from the poisons in the drugs, I was able to finally
begin to think straight the fog had started to lift. My fellow clients told me that life came
back into my eyes. The grey skin went away and slowly a smile came back.
Discovery House has given me a chance at life again. It has given my children the
opportunity to have a relationship with their father again, my parents a son they could
be proud of, and my siblings a brother they weren’t scared to be around their children.
Today I have taken the structure and routine that I was taught into the workforce and my
life as a contributing member of society. I have been able to work a job that I love and
be a positive role model for future men trying to make it in recovery.
Today I have self-worth, self-confidence, and for the first time that I can remember I can
say I love myself. I have learned so many skills from the staff and other clients that I
carry with me in my everyday life. I live a life of Gratitude and kindness to others. And I
owe it to Discovery House for giving me another chance at life.
Voices of Discovery
Dan L's journey is a powerful testament to resilience and the transformative impact of Discovery House. After suffering a stroke and facing multiple relapses, Dan found hope and support at Discovery House, where he rebuilt his life and reconnected with his family. With the structure and skills learned during his recovery, he is now a proud father and a positive role model for others on their journey.
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, learn more about our recovery programs at here.